A Quick Moment on Richard Milhous Nixon

“'There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white.” –President Richard Nixon.

Just… wow…

This was from a Nixon Tape that was just released yesterday. The comment was made to Charles Colson, and after saying that he added “Or a rape.” I can just imagine his expression as he realized he might need to modify the comment slightly. (Colson was involved in the Watergate scandal, in case anyone is interested.)

Nixon is a very odd person in the pantheon of American history. Up until his second term as President, his career was absolutely brilliant. No American before or after has served in the Executive branch as long as Nixon (he was Vice-President for two terms and President for two more), and he was debatably the most successful Republican politician ever (he won seven out of nine elections, and five of those elections were for national office).

He was also a crazy, paranoid, narcissistic bigot of a man. And as Ben Smith of Politico pointed out, President Obama, a product of an interracial coupling, was 11 at the time of this recording.

Just some thoughts on this, that’s all.


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