Jonah Was Kind of a Whinny Little Shit
Making fun of
the damn Bible is easy, because talking to snakes and virgin births and
resurrecting hundreds of dudes from their bleached skeletons and stuff doesn't
make much sense. Don't remember that last one? It's Ezekiel
37. Hey, no problem: I got your
back on this random-Bible-story stuff. That's the problem that some
‘religious’ people have -- beyond Adam and Eve, Noah, and the basics of Moses
and Jesus, a lot of Christians don't know their Bible stories. And that’s
for a good reason: the actual Bible itself is super boring.
Seriously, there's an entire book that is supposed to be nothing but literotica, and I swear nothing
could leave you less aroused. It is just the worst.
But what the
hell, we’re here. Let’s pick apart a Bible story at random. I
know! Let's talk about Jonah. He was eaten by a whale. That's
hilarious! But not really. Because Jonah actually is super lame, as
is his story. And before we get much further and someone complains, yes,
I know it depends on your translation; some say "whale", some say
"big fish", as if it matters because somehow one is more believable
than the other. Right, okay Bible Nerds, whatever. It doesn't
matter. We'll pretend your little
fantasy actually happened and that a human being wouldn't suffocate/be digested/drown/most
likely be chewed up given either possibility. I'll give you the benefit
of the doubt mostly because it amuses me. So without further ado…
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This is what Wikipedia says he looked like. Bald and sad. Pathetic. |
God's all
pissed off about something, AS USUAL. There's this place called
Nineveh. It's the capital of the Assyrians, which wouldn't mean much
except that its 3,000 years ago, back when everything was shitty.
Apparently there's 120,000 people who lived there, which isn't all that
impressive if you ask me (where I live has that many people in it), but back
then that was like friggin' New York. As such, I assume they had Broadway
and hookers and a high soda tax, and Yahweh loves him his Big Gulp.
So since God
couldn't possibly make a complaint in person, he hires a new hobo henchman, Jonah,
and he's all "Go to Nineveh, and tell those guys to stop being rad and
awesome and having gay pride parades or else I'm gonna smite those muthafuckas
with my righteous ass anger and shit!" I'm pretty sure that's a
direct quote.
So Jonah is
freaked out a bit because, hello, creepy voice in his head telling him to do
crazy shit! That is the textbook definition of losing your mind!
But hey, when you've already become a crazy person, you might as well start
using crazy person logic. A creepy voice in his head was telling him
to go to Nineveh, so Jonah decides to head straight in the opposite direction
of there. I guess his crazy person plan was to keep running until the
voices stopped or something.
obviously annoyed by this because God always has to have his way, but the big
guy's feeling a bit theatrical today, so he doesn't just bitch more at Jonah or
strike him down with lightning or anything. No, God waits for Jonah to
get on a boat, because why just terrorize your intended victim when you can
terrorize them when they're stuck in a confined space with other people?
The boat goes
out to sea, doing boat stuff, and then God decides to pummel it with a
Hurricane Sandy-level storm. Everyone on the boat starts to freak out
because, let’s face it, they're all about to die. Except for Jonah: he’s not freaking out, but that’s because
he's asleep below deck. That's right, he's just sleeping through this
whole aquatic nightmare until the captain finds him down there and smacks him
around for not freaking out enough.
Everyone on
the boat is all, "Oh shit, why is this horrible storm
happening?!?!" And Jonah is all, "Umm, so yeah, guys, so I
might be actively defying the will of God right now." And the crew
is all, "Say what?!" and Jonah goes, "Yeah. Sorry about
that, you guys." And someone asks, "So if God's attacking us to
punish you, what are you gonna do about it?" And Jonah thinks
for a minute and says, "I've got it! Maybe if you throw me off this
boat into the hellish maelstrom that's bearing down on us, maybe God will give
you guys a free pass?" And the crew goes, "Sounds good!"
Now in case
you've confused Jonah's actions as, say, a heroic gesture of self-sacrifice, well,
that's a nice sentiment. But rest assured that suicidal tendencies are
kind of Jonah's whole deal. Also, they don't matter, because God STILL
needs Jonah to tell everyone in Nineveh that he's about to smite them all, so
he sends a whale/big fish/whatever to swallow Jonah whole. This, uh, this
works because the stupid story says it does, in defiance of natural law or a
decent understanding of biochemistry.
So after a few
days of living inside the large marine mammal/whale shark (I guess?), breathing
oxygen that presumably came from somewhere and eating whatever gross shit his
new landlord consumes, Jonah is all, "Well, okay, this blows like a 2
dollar hooker, but apparently I am not dead yet, in defiance of all
reason. Clearly God still wants me to deliver that message and is willing
to just go crazy making his point to me, so... God? It’s me, Jonah.
If you stop making my life so completely insane, I guess I'll go tell all those
people that you're gonna kill them?"
This works,
because of course it does. Oy.
So later,
Jonah gets to Nineveh and starts walking around town, just yelling out
doom-sayings. Like: "Yo! God's gonna smite you bitches in,
like, 6 weeks, if you don't stop being awesome and having bitchin' sex parties
and stuff right now!" This, inexplicitly, works like a friggin'
charm. In one friggin’ day, everyone in town turns into a super-lame
party-pooper right away, including the goddamn king of the city, all because of
Jonah’s crazed hobo doom ravings. The King makes a proclamation that
"no man, woman, or livestock (???) is allowed to eat or drink anything at
all, no one can have fun of any kind, and maybe God won't kill us all?"
Having totally
ruined everything for everyone in the city, God- the supposedly kind and just
ruler of the universe- finds himself pleased by their suffering, and decides
not to kill everyone after all. Now normally, that would be the end of the
story, because ending the story with God being an omnipotent jackass is kind of
my point with these stories. But
wait! It gets better!
Six weeks
later, Jonah is still hanging out around Nineveh, where he notices a total lack
of abject horror. No one is getting smote AT ALL, and that pisses him
off. So he calls out to Yahweh, "Yo, God! This is
bullshit! You told me to tell these assholes they were going to
die! I knew you'd pussy out! Fuck you, man!"
And God's all,
"Whoa, wait, what dude? You were, like, an astonishingly efficient
prophet! You got the entire city to stop partying and being rad dudes in,
like, a day! Frankly, I'm astounded. Once we got past your- I
admit- serious level of bullshit, you were probably the best prophet
ever. I've got this other guy, Amos, and man, you make him look like a
handicapped orangutan!"
Jonah can't
take a compliment though. "Fuck it, you suck, God. Why don't
you just kill me?"
And God's
like, "What? Why do you want me to kill you?" Because apparently God didn't notice the
previously stated suicide wish, which is probably the only reason Jonah stayed
in Nineveh in the first place: he wanted
to get hate-murdered with the rest of the city.
And Jonah's
like, "Just kill me!"
And God's
like, "No!"
So Jonah goes
and pouts. And then, presumably, everyone in the city dies of
malnutrition anyway, because no one told the citizens they passed God’s
test. But that's not fully explained in
the damn Bible. The end.
... So.
Jonah was an amazing prophet, except that he was a total suicidal crybaby who
spent a lot of time whining. I mean, yeah, sure, God's an asshole…because
he's God. It's expected. But man,
Jonah... no one likes a whiner. I was on his side during the whole
"avoiding doing what the crazy voices say" thing. But his emo
bullshit crying? Oy. "Life’s so hard because no one died like
I said they would!" Asshole.
So, there you
have it. Jonah isn't really about a whale. Or a big fish.
It’s about a little crybaby who actually is making me root for God for once.
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